
mal wieder was aus meinem beruflichen Blog 🙂

In Germany we have a kind of tradition once the Christmas time is starting – it is getting “gewhamed”. This is like rickrolling, just with “Last Christmas” and happens mostly via mainstream radio or stores – you cannot escape it here.

Every year I try hard but I never suceed. This year was exceptional early (= yesterday), when I started to look at my xmas Spotify playlists and wanted to play the Verve Christmas remix Album – and the Spotify integration for my Sonos was broken. So I switched to Soma.fms radio streams (see below) and some good 8tracks xmas playlists. After Sonos support told me via Twitter I just hit play on an Electro Swing Xmas album on Spotify before checking it first and there it was – “Last Christmas in an electroswing version”!


If you want to avoid Last Christmas, too then see below for the Soma.fm streams.

The main streaming station I will listen too (next to my spotify playlists) will be:

Soma.FM Christmas Lounge http://somafm.com/christmas/directstreamlinks.html

Classic Xmas Lunge songs – all of your favourites are here. To get a quick impression what they play have a look at their Twitter account -there you can see the playlist.


The next station to recommend would be Soma.fm Christmas in Frisco: http://somafm.com/xmasinfrisko/directstreamlinks.html

Not any kind of middle of the road christmas songs, here you will listen to all the strange but interesting versions/songs you could never think of. Some metal versions, some more electronic ones – see yourself the playlist on twitter: https://twitter.com/xmasinfrisko

And finally a new station (at least new for me): Soma.fm Jolly Soul – strictly Soul Christmas songs, no Twitter feed: http://somafm.com/jollysoul/directstreamlinks.html


Veröffentlicht von davednb

bloggt - mit Pausen - seit 2004. Im Netz seit 1993. Mochte damals Gopher mehr als Http - denn Bilder im Internet braucht(e) ja keiner. Oldschool, baby!

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